TC-Encore-Thumbhole-Stock-Standard-Forend-Set-in-Laminated-Brown-Shade-Varies-01-iom TC Encore Thumbhole Stock Standard Forend Set in Laminated Brown (Shade Varies)

TC Encore Thumbhole Stock Standard Forend Set in Laminated Brown (Shade Varies)
T/C Encore Thumbhole Brown Laminate Stocks by Revolution. Custom designed thumbhole stock set for the TC Encore. This is a complete SET for the TC Encore rifle, including the Brown Laminate Thumbhole Buttstock and Brown Laminate Forend to fit your choice: The standard 24″, heavy 26″ and 28Pro Hunter (PH), muzzleloader, slug, or shotgun barrels. Transform your TC Encore, Pro Hunter, or Endeavor Rifle! Your eye lines up with the scope more naturally. The rifle mounts and points more naturally. The thumbhole buttstocks are completely inletted for the Encore frame. Simply remove your original stock, slip this one on, and tighten the grip bolt. These are complete and finished stocks… Butt pad is fitted and installed. Arthur Brown Company, Inc. 4088 County Road 40 NW, Garfield, MN 56332.
TC Encore Thumbhole Stock Standard Forend Set in Laminated Brown (Shade Varies)
EB120-6-5x284-Win-Encore-Barrel-01-hts #EB120 6.5x284 Win Encore Barrel
#EB120 6.5x284 Win Encore Barrel
#EB120 6.5x284 Win Encore Barrel

#EB120 6.5x284 Win Encore Barrel
Built by Dave Van Horn. These barrels are New Old Stock. Some have been on the shelf and, traveling back and forth to gun shows for several years. The lugs are welded on with stainless steel rod, the welds may have incomplete bluing, based on how the fill rod mixed with the base metal. It does not mean the barrel was incorrectly blued. T/C frames vary slightly over their 40+ year production. We test fit all barrels on our frame(s) for correct fit and function. In rare cases, you may need to perform minor fitting of this barrel to your frame.
#EB120 6.5x284 Win Encore Barrel