This is a 10 Thompson Contender barrel. It is mounted with a Weaver 20mm variable scope (1.5 x 4 power). The barrel and scope are in very good condition. Shows to have had light use. Here is some info on the 7mm TCU. The 7mm TCU, like the rest of the TCU family, is based on a necked up and fireformed. By far the most popular of Wes Ugalde’s wildcats, the 7mm TCU has dominated the “production” category of both NRA and IHMSA silhouette competition. This should come as no surprise, since the 7mm TCU has virtually everything going for it. It is superbly accurate, and not at all finicky to load for. Its parent cases are readily, and cheaply available, and case forming is a snap. The 7mm TCU is the most widely used, and still the winningest cartridge in the “production” class today.

Categories: thompson